
Stoneham Golf Club

Course Status

Stoneham Golf Course: 21/02/25 Course closed for the remainder of the day. Next review 7am tomorrow. Short Game Area: CLOSED. Academy: OPEN. Clubhouse: OPEN till 5pm, Kitchen open till 4. Halfway Hut: ClOSED.


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Mission Statement

Recent Developments

Stoneham Academy

The Club had been acutely aware for many years that its practice facilities were inadequate. We recognised that delivering a state-of-the-art facility was not only what Stoneham’s membership required, it was also what they deserved.

It was also clear that the absence of first-class practice facilities would inhibit the Club’s aspiration of being capable of hosting top Amateur and Professional tournaments, as it had done in the past.

The vision was to create a golfing academy at Stoneham that would create a conveyor belt of new members for the Club (especially Ladies and Juniors), create a centre of excellence for golf tuition in Hampshire, and act as a magnet to attract the best golfers in the county and beyond. Work on the Academy began in 2017 and the facility is due to be commissioned in September 2021.

Future Plans

Safeguarding the longer-term provision of water for the golf course is at the top of the Management Committee’s list of current priorities. This involves 2 main initiatives;

Replacing the current irrigation scheme on the golf course (which is 23 years old and obsolete) with a highly sophisticated replacement scheme that includes fairway watering, and
Seeking planning permission to create a sizeable reservoir adjacent to the 18th fairway, to enable the Club to become less reliant on mains water to operate the new irrigation system over the medium term. An integral part of this scheme will be a grey water recovery scheme from the Clubhouse.

Work on the new £1.05m irrigation scheme is due to begin in Q4 2021. The Club hopes to be in a position to make a planning application for the new reservoir by the end of 2021.

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